Greetings UMC Wayne,
Please join me in lifting up these requests in prayer this week.
~Please pray for our Canadian friend Wendy Wakely’s future surgery for a hernia and her new beau Dale. Submitted by L & P
~Please pray for Wes Winkler to find strength and healing from his Chemotherapy treatments.
~Please pray for the mentally ill and their families Submitted by Pastor Luna
~Please pray for healing for Ernie, diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer that has spread. He and his family are exploring the best treatment options with his medical team. ~Submitted by Marilyn
~Please pray for the family of Roman, who is now with God.
Please pray for Peter, a student at Purdue, who was struck by a car on Saturday. He was airlifted by helicopter to an Indianapolis hospital for care. He is in critical condition. ~Submitted by Lyn S
Join me in Praise for answered prayer: ~Joyous news for Lou Batta who is coming home! It has been 3 long months since he has been home. Thank you for all prayers. ~Submitted by the Batta family
Have a blessed week,
Nicole Force Administrative Assistant United Methodist Church 99 Parish Drive Wayne, NJ 07470 973-694-3260

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