Greetings UMC Wayne,
Please find our Sunday Bulletin attached for February 9th, 2025. Our Lay Reader is : *Kim Grebel*
Also make sure to share with those interested in our local community about our all new *Climate Cafe* for young adults and teens. Flyer is attached and also see our website for more information.
*Jubilation Ringers will have rehearsal every Sunday after worship at 11:15. *
*First Friday 2/7! *
The First Friday Fellowship group will meet at noon on February 7. Please BYO lunch and beverage. Dessert will be provided by Susan Whitty. We will be writing valentines and playing some February- themed games. All are welcome to join this friendly group, where we grow in love with one another through shared stories, projects, and experiences.

*This Sunday is our fourth week in our Six Stone Jars Series: *
*Fill My Days with Meaning*
*Community Garden*
As the temperatures are in the single digits, we start to hope for warmer weather. Spring will be here before we know it! A season of growth and new beginnings…..and a new garden! We would like to start a community garden on our church property! We are looking for folks interested in planning, building, planting and any other ideas you have to offer. We would like to call it *The Garden of Eatin’.* If you are ready, willing and able to help, please email Pastor Ninabeth at
*Soup Sale *
Our annual soup sale during Lent begins on Sunday, March 9 and will continue until April 13. Sign up sheets for soup makers are on the bulletin board in the narthex. Containers are provided. As in the past, there will be delicious varieties of soups to purchase each week at a bargain price of $5 per pint.
All are welcome to support the sale by preparing or purchasing these savory soups!
Questions? See Anita Dispenziere or Lyn Sentkowski
*Sunday School*
Exciting News for Sunday School! We will now have a program for infants and toddlers aged 3 months to 4 years old. This will be led by Miss Olivia, who is First Aid Certified/CPR/AED certified and a Lead Teacher at So Big Child Development Center.
Olivia will be in Rm 9 on Sunday mornings during service. Feel free to contact her:

Please fill in the* green cards* in the pews each week with your prayer requests and praises. Please try to use discretion when using people’s names. We request first names only. Also- don’t forget to fill in those friendship pads located in each pew.
*Hymn requests* *accepted and encouraged! *
*Please follow us on:*
[image: facebook.png]* Facebook at UMC Wayne NJ * [image: instagram.jpg] *Instagram @UMCWAYNENJ99*
Our services are streamed online For those who wish to join by FaceBook the link is here: *UMC.Wayne <>*
If you wish to Join via* Zoom the link is here:*
* <>*
Meeting ID: 823 9591 4126 Passcode: 092827
If you join by telephone; 1 646 558 8656.
Please follow the prompts and use the meeting ID and passcode.
We look forward to gathering with you!
Nicole Force Administrative Assistant United Methodist Church 99 Parish Drive Wayne, NJ 07470 973-694-3260

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