Greetings UMC Wayne Congregation,
We wish you a blessed and healthy Thanksgiving!
We look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday 12/1/24
Our Lay Reader is: *RICHARD JACKSON *
*Christmas Eve Casting Call! *
We are in need of someone to guide our “donkey” at the 4:30pm service on 12/24.
This is a speaking part. Please consider serving if you are able.

*Silent Auction*
*We ask that you pick up your Silent Auction basket no later than December 8th.*
Payments are cash or check only and we ask that you make payment at the time you get your basket. Thank you!
~The Silent Auction Committee

*Interfaith **THANKSGIVING SERVICE* 11/26 @7PM
Shomrei Torah, 30 Hinchman Ave, Wayne, NJ
*First Friday Event*
*REMINDER: The group will go to Painting with a Twist on December 6th from 11-1pm. *Sign-up sheet in the narthex on the bulletin board or see Susan Whitty with questions,
Please make all checks out to: Painting with a Twist
Send checks or money to:
*Sue Whitty*
*22 Kevin Rd *
*Lincoln Park, NJ 07035*
*Christmas Poinsettias! *
Make sure to fill out the envelope and attached form for your
*Christmas Poinsettia found in the back table in the Sanctuary. *
Please return all envelopes to the plate or to the church office.
*Orders must be in by 12/9/24!!*
*Christmas Cookie Sale is Coming! Attention Bakers! *
*We are in need of bakers for our annual Christmas Cookie sale*
*on 12-15-24.*
*Set up is 12-12-24 at 1pm! *

Please fill in the* green cards* in the pews each week with your prayer requests and praises. Please try to use discretion when using people’s names. We request first names only. Also- don’t forget to fill in those friendship pads located in each pew.
*Hymn requests* *accepted and encouraged! *
*Please follow us on:*
[image: facebook.png]* Facebook at UMC Wayne NJ * [image: instagram.jpg] *Instagram @UMCWAYNENJ99*
Our services are streamed online For those who wish to join by FaceBook the link is here: *UMC.Wayne <>*
If you wish to Join via* Zoom the link is here:*
* <>*
Meeting ID: 823 9591 4126 Passcode: 092827
If you join by telephone; 1 646 558 8656.
Please follow the prompts and use the meeting ID and passcode.
We look forward to gathering with you!
Blessings, Nicole Force Administrative Assistant United Methodist Church 99 Parish Drive Wayne, NJ 07470 973-694-3260

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