Welcome to the Koei-Kan Karate Club

We welcome you with open hearts.

Please visit our web page for more information:


and like us on Face Book

For more information about these programs

contact Sensei Feinstein at (973) 202-6190


Why Martial Arts Classes can benefit you and your child:

The mission of Karate is a Character Building Program. The Classes and Individual Training will help to improve respect, responsibility, confidence, self-esteem and discipline. Traditional Martial Arts practice enables children, teens and adults to have a true sense of personal growth without the emphasis on competition. The primary focus is to give our students the opportunity to build inner strength and leadership skills that will allow them to stand out amongst their peers

Youngsters Class:

Ages 3-1/2 - 4 years old  Weds. 4:15 to 4:45 pm

Kids Class:

Ages 5 to 7 years old, Tues & Thurs 4:30 - 5:30 pm

Juniors Class:

Ages 8 to 12 years old, Tues & Thurs 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Teen & Adult Classes:

Ages 13 to Adult, Tues & Thurs 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Philosophy of our program is to provide a safe, healthy learning environment with the best possible care and teaching to each individual with the teachings of a traditional Japanese karate. Koei-Kan is a complete martial art and self defense  program covering kata (forms), kumite (sparring), nage no kata (throws), and self defense techniques along with general endurance and conditioning. We teach strong ethical values and have a family atmosphere of learning and pushing each other to be their best. Teaching everyone 3 ½  and up! Please stop in and try out a class!

Traditional Karate Kobudo (Weapons) Classes:

Training with martial arts traditional weapons has been compared to weight lifting workouts, aerobic and conditioning workouts. These workouts help develop similar muscles as used in karate, sports and daily activities.  Kobudo training also increases hand-eye coordination leading to a heightened sense of the reflexes.


5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Cost: $45 per month ($10 month for those enrolled in the karate class)

Check us out on Face Book:  Kazoku Kobudo Club

All pricing and times subject to change without notice.  All classes require traditional karate/kobudo uniforms. Kobudo classes the weapons are provided to start training and can be purchased at or prior to promotions. 

Special UMC in Wayne Member Discount

UMC in Wayne members make take advantage of this special offer:  For just the cost of the uniform you will receive your first 2 months tuition free.

For more information call or e-mail: Sensei Feinstein koei_kan_nj@yahoo.com,



Welcome to KOEI-KAN Karate Club!